Welcome to Bristol Insight Meditation. Our aspiration is to build a community that nurtures wisdom and compassion: for ourselves, for others and for the world we live in. Through our groups and activities, we support the practice and study of Buddhist Insight Meditation also known as Vipassana (literally translated as ‘seeing deeply or clearly’). This is the practice of developing a calm and mindful investigation into the nature of experience, leading to wisdom, compassion and the end of suffering.
Mindfulness meditation doesn’t change life. Life remains as fragile and unpredictable as ever. Meditation changes the heart’s capacity to accept life as it is. It teaches the heart to be more accommodating, not by beating it into submission, but by making it clear that accommodation is a gratifying choice.
We welcome all people from our rich and diverse global community into our Sangha. We do not tolerate discrimination on any basis, including ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation. All our indoor activities are wheelchair accessible. We also recognise those with neurodivergence and those with hidden disabilities. It is through connecting with each other that we can create a safe space for everyone to arrive in the moment, as they are.