BIM Logo Bristol Insight Meditation

7.30 – 8.30pm online

Please save for the date for our upcoming Annual General Meeting (AGM)! We invite you to join us in celebrating what our sangha has meant to us in supporting our practice through 2024. We will be meeting on Wednesday 17th April from 7.30-8.30pm online.

The AGM will be an opportunity to share and learn about all the different activities that take place in Bristol Insight to support and develop our practice. It will also be a chance to consider our financial position and discuss how Bristol Insight could develop in the coming years. We need as many people as possible to attend this annual official event, so we do hope you can make it.

To be able to attend, you first need to register as a supporter. Supporters are members who care about the well-being and development of the organisation. Being a Supporter means making an intention to support Bristol Insight by being willing to share ideas and do things like voting in trustees at the AGM. You can find out more about the role of supporters and register here.

Alongside this, we also invite you to consider becoming a Trustee. Trustees are Supporters who are committed to Bristol Insight’s development. They give their time freely to attend meetings and act as links to each of our activities. They make sure all the things we offer are legal and well-run. Being a Trustee can be a way of expressing gratitude for what Bristol Insight offers ourselves and others. You can find out more information about being a Trustee here.

We will send out the Zoom link to the AGM a few days before the meeting to everyone who is a registered supporter. We are very happy to answer any questions you may have in the meantime – so if you have any queries please get in touch.

We look forward to seeing you there!

With metta,
The Trustees of Bristol Insight Meditation