You are welcome to the Self-Led retreat at the Friends Meeting House,
Who’s it for?
These self-led retreats are suitable for anyone with basic meditation experience. This could be from attending a group retreat, for example, or an eight-week mindfulness course. Although Insight Meditation is rooted in Buddhism, all traditions and backgrounds, both spiritual and secular, are very welcome.
What’s the format?
The day is silent and based around alternating 45-minute periods of sitting and walking meditation with no teacher or guidance. There’s also a carefully curated recorded dharma talk to listen to, a shared lunch and, at the end of the retreat, a chance to break silence and discuss the day’s experiences as a group.
Where is it?
In the light and airy surroundings of the Quaker Meeting House , 300 Gloucester Road, Horfield, Bristol BS7 8PD. An oasis of calm amid the busyness of Bristol. The group has sole use of the entire meeting house, including a wonderful enclosed and secluded garden.
When is it?
On the first Saturday of every month. The front door to the Meeting House opens at 10.15 am. You will then have 15 minutes to settle in before the retreat starts. The retreat finishes at 5.00 pm.
A donation of £20 waged or £7.50 unwaged towards the costs of the day. Payment for the day is in cash or by an online bank transfer. For bank transfer details, please contact
What should I bring?
Please bring a vegan or vegetarian contribution to our shared lunch and whatever else you need to feel comfortable. For example, a mat, cushion, meditation stool, blanket or thick socks. There are plenty of chairs to use.
Can I get more involved?
Would you like to get more involved? You can join a small friendly team that helps organise the retreats. The commitment is light, and we welcome new volunteers. Find out more by dropping me an email or having a chat at the retreat: David Ringsell
Can I find out more?
Please email David Ringsell at Happy to answer any questions. The group sends a monthly reminder email with the upcoming retreat date and details of the talk. If you’d like to be added to the distribution list, please email Your email address won’t be used for anything else.
Retreat talks
2016-09-29 “The Four Faults of Natural Awareness” 57:04
James Baraz
James Baraz and son Adam Baraz discuss “The Four Faults of Natural Awareness”, a Tibetan teaching (e.g.#1: “So close you can’t see it.”) Adam presents the teaching and he and James discuss it with each other and community members.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley : IMCB Regular Talks
David says:
One benefit of meditation practice is to increase self-awareness. We can then approach life with relaxation and spaciousness. Adam and his father James explore the nature of awareness … and what the obstacles to finding it are.
Explore and listen to an archive of the dharma talks played at the monthly self-led retreats since 2016 by clicking anywhere on the picture below.