Below is a list of upcoming retreats and other events. Some are regular events and you will see the next session below. At the bottom of the page you can view details of past Teacher-led retreats.
Calendar of upcoming events and retreats
Past retreats - 2016
Loving Kindness and Equanimity
Loving kindness is an antidote to ill-will; equanimity an antidote to resentment. During this Day Retreat, we will cultivate the practice of listening and loving kindness, and also awareness of the breath and equanimity as a means to develop a stable and kind heart. This in turn could help us to respond creatively to challenging … Continued
A Day of Insight Dialogue: Waking Up Together
Insight Dialogue is a relational meditation practice developed by Gregory Kramer of the Metta Foundation.Through the 6 guidelines of Insight Dialogue we practice both in silence and opposite one another in dialogue. In this way we find practical support in meeting the joys and challenges of everyday life with insight and mindfulness. Further information about … Continued
A Focusing-based interactive Day Retreat ‘Embracing Interconnectedness through the Body’
Facilitated by Gordon Adam and Manjudeva This retreat drew upon Focusing, and the felt sense, to lead us to a greater, more holistic, more truthful knowing about life and our place in it. The body already knows in a direct and unmediated way how interconnected we are to the rest of existence – we just need … Continued
The Dharma and the Drama: Mindfulness amidst a messy life
This day looked at the challenges of everyday life as the theatre of transformational practice, exploring how our work and relationships can be fertile ground for insight, and seeing how we can cultivate a meditative life which genuinely supports and is supported by the ‘full catastrophe’ of everyday living. Click here for a biography and photo of … Continued