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Liberating Perspectives on Death and Dying with Venerable Canda
Saturday 18th May 10.00 am – 4.00 pm

Perhaps you are witness to someone who is dying, have lost a loved one or have received a diagnosis you are grappling with? Or perhaps you are healthy and imagine death is far away – and that is the way you would like it to stay!

The Buddha recommended meditation on death for everyone, as a way of bringing a sense of immediacy to practice. Although it may initially sound unappealing, by gently turning toward the universal reality of death, we can learn tools for living a fuller life – a life of gratitude and love.

This retreat will invite us to contemplate and discuss the universal experience of death and dying, taking inspiration from Buddhist ideas as well as modern scientific research on near-death experiences, to find a greater acceptance and peace within.

The retreat is suitable for everyone and will include Dhamma reflections, guided meditations and an opportunity for sharing questions and responses.








Venerable Canda: met the Dhamma in 1996 in India and practiced intensive meditation, sitting and serving scores of Vipassana retreats, before ordaining in Burma in 2006. She took full ‘bhikkhuni’ ordination with her teacher Ajahn Brahm in Australia in 2014 and for the last eight years she and Ajahn Brahm have been developing the UK charity Anukampa Bhikkhuni Project, which will support Britain’s first Forest Monastery for women wishing to train toward full bhikkhuni ordination.

Ven Canda now has a little Vihara in the beautiful city of Oxford, close to the River Thames. Besides running the charity and monastery, she teaches extensively and spends 3-4 months a year in solitary retreat. Ven Canda loves the Buddha’s teachings and her offerings are richly informed by the compassion and pragmatism of the Early Buddhist texts. She emphasises kindness and letting go as a way to deepen stillness and wisdom.


Early Bird Booking (one month or more before the retreat) is £20 waged and £10.00 unwaged.

Late Booking is £25 waged and £12.50 unwaged.

This covers the administration costs and the hall hire only. There will be an opportunity to offer dana (the practice of generosity) for the teacher as a donation on the day.

You can book on Brown Paper Tickets here

For more information about our day retreats please visit our General Information and Practicalities page on our website.

For a list of all our 2024 retreats click here